Meeting Place” fuses art and literature; Goldenberg approached ten writers whose writing was close to her heart, and invited them to her studio – Each one of them picked one of her artworks , and embarked on to their own literary journey, producing ten new stories and poems.
The writers who participated in the projects – Colette Leinman, Gai Ad, Alon Altaras, Ari Libsker, Galia Oz, Miki Ben Cnaan, Limor Weisberg Caspi, Eitan Bar-Yosef, Dirk Maurits Polak, and Boaz Lavie. Anat Propper Goldenberg is a multi-disciplinary artist, born in 1971 in London.
40 USD, 186 pages, 18.5 cm x 12 cm, Embossed hardcover, Publication date: 2019, 1000 copies, Book Design: Noa Schwartz. ISBN 9789655727487 English, Hebrew. Photography by Revital Topiol.