Video Works
This short book trailer presents Nevet Yitzhak’s monograph Video Works, which looks back at eight years of video installations by providing an in depth look at a variety of her projects.
One of the featured projects is a three-channel video installation, WarCraft (2014), Yitzhak makes a poignant statement against war and aggression. The artist looks to the Afghan war rug, a unique product of the region’s traumatic history of conflict and foreign military presence, as a departure point in exploring the significance and potential of this unconventional medium to protest violence and occupation.
Yitzhak in her work often criticises contemporary political and cultural modes while challenging our perception of the past and raising questions about cultural heritage and collective forgetfulness within a complex local identity. She most often employs archival materials that deal with historical events which she then deconstructs and reconstruct with digital tools. The outcome reintroduces the historical moment with a nostalgic yet critical approach for past social and cultural structures and traditions. The use of found footage, extracting it from its original context and manipulating it both in terms of video and sound is one of the central themes of her work. Yitzhak’s practice also deals with the diverse combinations between sound and video and their modes of representation. (Tiroche)